Dear students.
Today's class will be a review of al three contents we have seen during this semester.
Adjectives, Comparison and Superlatives. We prepared a fun activity so you can test your knowledge in this topics. This same content will be seen during today's online tutorial (14-10)
Download "Review of contents Adjectives" presentation.
Read carefully all the topics we saw.
Answer the final activity using the correct grammar structures and vocabulary.
Send the pictures of your work to:
Review of contents Adjectives
Previous works.
Here are all the previous work from this second semester, try to cover them and answer them so you don't get late in your works.
Week 1 Review of contents first semester
Week 2 Adjectives Presentation Week 2 Adjectives Activity
Week 3 Comparative Presentation Week 3 Comparative Activity
Week 4 Superlative Presentation Week 4 Superlative Activity
Take care !! :)
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